Whiskers In The Cotswolds
Whiskers In The Cotswolds
Passionate About Pet Care
Passionate About Pet Care
About Us
About Us
Whiskers In The Cotswolds is a life long dream, leading from a dedicated and passionate past in volunteering with many animal species. In 2012 I decided to follow my passion and eventually give up a 30 year career in dentistry.

I now have over 36 years experience in dog care, owning my first Border Collie, Max, for 16 years, as well as other small animals, rabbits, hamsters, guinea-pigs and fish.
Myself and my family have Border Collies, a breed that has been in my life for more than 38 years, it is my specialist breed and I have learned much about this amazing breed over the years.
My husband has been a cat owner for many years.
Previous animal care took me from cleaning out bats one minute to primates the next .........Fascinating !
I also trained as a Wolf Handler for many years .....................Exhilarating !
I have previously studied Canine Psychology, have completed the NARPS Lantra Awarded Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business Course, and have also undertaken a course on First Aid for Pets at Pershore College.
We are a member of NARPS, the National Associates Of Registered Pet Sitters in the UK. We abide by the NARPS Professional Code Of Practice.
We offer a professional dog walking service and would never pack walk.
Our Location
Our Location
Contact telephone numbers:
Contact telephone numbers:
01285 653468 / 07540 974141
Mon - Fri: 9am- 7pm
Please contact me either using the 'Contact Us' page, telephone, or alternatively please email us.

Whiskers In The Cotswolds
Whiskers In The Cotswolds

Dog Walking / Pop-In Service
Small Caged Animal Boarding